/See. spotted dango Jewell

location: Fabulous at Cupcake

①where are you from? from tokyo^^
②what is your favourite item from you are wearing now?Danger banana lol
③what is your smart slogan/motto of today? (can be words or sentence) 食う寝る遊ぶ (plays eating ..sleep... )

/See. spotted Eoma Shilova

location: &bean at Cupcake

①where are you from?am from germany/frankfurt am main
②what is your favourite item? too many ;P, but most of all unique and original stuff!

/See. spotted Amika Jewell <3

location: *amerie's NAUGHTY* Main Shop

①where are you from?from JAPAN :)
②what is your favourite item from you are wearing now?Suicide Commando on my back

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